Wednesday, March 3, 2010

July 7, 1943

815 Triplett St.
Owensboro, Ky.
July 7, 1943
10:00 P.M.

Dear Gang,
I'm certainly not having to hunt things to occupy my time nowadays. After working all day there is always something to do, some place to go every night nearly. You know me; again, I'm getting behind on my correspondence- yet no one likes to hear from friends any better than I. I'm so anxious for the first gang letter to return, so I can see what every one is doing in detail. For it's kind of lonesome up here in a way, even though I don't have much spare time to pine away and I enjoy my friends here.

The organist at St. Paul's Catholic Church, "Wishy" (we call her) (Mary Aloyish French) and I have been practicing together a lot lately for the mere fun and enjoyment of it.

Willard spent eight days here in Owensboro, and you can bet we had a wonderful time. One afternoon we walked across the beautiful Ohio River bridge here, over into Indiana and took some pictures, some of them of Owensboro from across the bridge. We had lots of fun. He has eight weeks of summer school- only six left now. Then he gets 6 or 7 weeks vacation, some of which he'll spend here and some he'll spend in Portsmouth with his folks.

By the way, out of my first pay-check I got me a nice portable radio (they're hard to get nowadays, too.) After the war, I hope to trade it in for a combination all electronic phonograph and radio set; then I can start my collection of symphony records which I've wanted so long.

I enjoy my work more every day. I believe Mr. Waugh, Chief Engineer, is swell, as are all the Engineers. I find such a wide and untouched field for experimentation along so many lines dealing with television. I don't believe I could give my job up if I should have to; I've become so attached to the work. One of my friends, a chemist, quit work though, today noon. I'll miss her terribly, though I don't blame her in the least. Her husband just got his commission in the marine corps and so she's going to live with him at Cherry Point, North Carolina.

Altogether (in addition to) not including amounts deducted for victory tax, Fed. D. A. tax, etc. I made $160.03 last month. In two more months I'm supposed to get a $15 (I think) raise, and then after the 1st five months, a $25 raise. Some of it I'm putting in war bonds, some I'm going to lend to Daddy for interest, etc. The income tax (20%) will catch me this next month, and I don't mean maybe.

Well, this is the main news I can think of now. Except- I certainly do miss those good oranges and grapefruit we had at school.

I'm having to review (or relearn) up on my calculus for one surely can use a knowledge of calculus in this business - in deriving formulas and different functions for television viewing tubes, etc.

This will be all for this time.
Much love to each and all,
Ethel Ruth

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